Re. a previous thread I started, I'm now getting close to laying the flagstones I mentioned before (the ones with cement all over them - I ended up using a grinder and I'm happy with the result). Anyway, about laying them. I was talking with someone recently and he suggested that I use nothing but a totally dry mix of sand and lime, mixing the lime and the sand before adding it to the floor, wetting it with a sprayer before laying the flagstones and then just bedding the flagstones on top. As previously said, the flagstones are massive, up to 120cm long, 50cm wide and up to 5 inches thick so I think the weight will be an advantage once they're in place. The subsoil is a very compact, hard clay and I'm not using a hardcore or a waterproof membrane. The idea, I'm hoping, is that humidity from the soil with rise through the sand and lime, setting it over time and providing a stable bed for the flagstones. Using a dry mix means that I can remove the flags until I get the level right (the thought of doing it with a wet mortar is not pleasant). It's in an entrance hall so it's not hugely important if the flagstones 'breath' humidity. Anyone got any thoughts on this idea?