Dose anybody know what might be the cause of and a remedy for, a white dusty type fungal bloom which is appearing on the lower sections of my furniture close to floor level and also on adjacent floorboards. The best way I can describe it is like a fine cigarette ash that has been blown onto the furniture but it is most certainly some type of fungal growth that just sits on the surface and is easily wiped away with a damp cloth.
I live in a large and airy 19th century property situated on the south coast which has predominantly bare sealed and waxed floor boards. I’ve resisted turning the central heating on to date and have relied on huddling around our small wood burner in the evenings so the property is a bit cool at the moment but certainly not cold.
I live in a large and airy 19th century property situated on the south coast which has predominantly bare sealed and waxed floor boards. I’ve resisted turning the central heating on to date and have relied on huddling around our small wood burner in the evenings so the property is a bit cool at the moment but certainly not cold.