I'm putting an old fire back into a fireplace that we recently exposed. It's one of the cast iron ones and it must be the heaviest thing I own including my anvil. I also have a pair of iron fire dogs that I'm told are original tudor ones and that I should take good care of. I'm wondering if the fire back should stand ON the back of the fire dogs or should it sit on bricks? I only want to move the fire back once and I want to get it right so that it looks 'proper'. I've attached a photo which I hope shows the issue.
The fire is never going to be lit as the chimney stack above it consists of solid concrete thanks to a vandal in the 60s. And it's roofed over. With thatch!
As ever, any useful suggestions appreciated. Cheers.
The fire is never going to be lit as the chimney stack above it consists of solid concrete thanks to a vandal in the 60s. And it's roofed over. With thatch!
As ever, any useful suggestions appreciated. Cheers.