The really interesting bit is where the council makes pious noises about the character of the neighbourhood: it's a pretty notorious council estate, and if my memory serves me right it's already littered with nasty modern boxes. Perhaps Graham will disabuse me.[/url]
I like the way that K&C council say they acted "after residents complained" - did it take 30 years to respond to the complaints, or did people spend a long time working up their fury at the alterations...
Surely the council have details of the person who said they had installed them?
Then get them to pay all the costs and to pay for the original windows to go back in, they are the ones who broke the law!!!! (That'll teach them to mess)
Disabuse you Moo.....
I won't disabuse them I'll make love with their women I'll make them sing notes of pleasure Their husbands will never hear I love women but I take them by surprise