Guess what ? - We're in!! - (well partially - you know how it is)
slept in the house for the first time last night. The joiner was surprised when he arrived this morning!! - this emotion turned quickly to pleasure however when he realised that he now gets a morning cuppa and there's the outside chance of a bacon butty!
And just to say that the bacon butty on this morning ranked very high on my "best bacon butty of all time" scale.
Although almost nauseus with extreme exhaustion and feeling stretched and aching like I did after running marathon I am a very happy bunny today!
Just wanted to share
Love and peace
Shelli XX (now officially the lady of the house actually)
slept in the house for the first time last night. The joiner was surprised when he arrived this morning!! - this emotion turned quickly to pleasure however when he realised that he now gets a morning cuppa and there's the outside chance of a bacon butty!
And just to say that the bacon butty on this morning ranked very high on my "best bacon butty of all time" scale.
Although almost nauseus with extreme exhaustion and feeling stretched and aching like I did after running marathon I am a very happy bunny today!
Just wanted to share
Love and peace
Shelli XX (now officially the lady of the house actually)