I've got a situation where my windows get an awful lot of condensation that pools in the window, our windows also are in a peculiar shape and the water pools in the bottom section with is like a V that slopes backwards in towards the glass so when i wake up of a morning there.s a little pond in the windows. Humidity wise, the house sits around 50/55RH although at the moment its sitting at 60RH.
Would it be practical to drill a tiny hole through the window and let this water run outwards or would this eventually rot through the wood of the window and cause a bigger problem?
I can upload a picture if required and any ideas would be great,
Thanks in advance.
Would it be practical to drill a tiny hole through the window and let this water run outwards or would this eventually rot through the wood of the window and cause a bigger problem?
I can upload a picture if required and any ideas would be great,
Thanks in advance.