We live in a circa 1860's whin stone end terrace, ground floor built right into a hill. Renovated in 60's by council, when an internal brick cavity wall was added downstairs on walls under ground level (apart from party wall which is also suffering damp but no idea what to do about that). Suffering damp on gable and back walls that are under ground level, up to about 2 feet, though only along about half the length of the back wall. Want to get a look in cavity wall to see if there is debris bridging outside and brick walls: my partner is confident enough about taking out single brick at a time to look, but wonders how to put them back in securely (though I think he is just making excuses not to get on with it....). what is general approach to this? Thanks. ps. I pulled the wallpaper off affected areas as was fed up looking at it "wetting up" under high humidity about 2 years agonow the plaster doesnt feel wet though the wall is obviously affected by salts, especially in fireplace area.