Just a useful bit of info' for anyone doing lime or daub render over a timber-frame. A few years ago friends of mine were replacing the cement render on their 15th century timber-frame house, with daub infill and lime render. At the time they were advised to put a 'breather' paper (such as, but not Klober) under the laths, over the frame prior to rendering. Recently the whole lot had to come off as it became apparent the so called 'breather paper', which is supposed to allow moisture to evapourate, was instead trapping moisture, thereby rotting the timbers and causing such a build-up of moisture in the wattle and daub panels and the lime render, they were begining to deteriorate badly. If any of you are doing a render with lime or clay daub, be advised not to put a 'breather' membrane underneath. It really is not neccessary!