I've got a typical cast iron victorian fireplace in my bedroom and the previous owners decided to paint the centre hearth black and the surround an almost luminous green. The green paint is quite shiney and is proving rather resistant to a wirebrush. The hearth itself has two layers of black paint. It seems they did a touch up but only went so far leaving a much older layer exposed which is now flaking and showing rush.
I want to redo the whole thing in black and was wondering if I should use Zebo grate polish to cover the green paint? Or should I try stripping it back to the metal? I do have some paint stripping chemicals which works on metal but I'm a bit reluctant to try it. The other parts look like wire brushing should take away the old paint.
I want to redo the whole thing in black and was wondering if I should use Zebo grate polish to cover the green paint? Or should I try stripping it back to the metal? I do have some paint stripping chemicals which works on metal but I'm a bit reluctant to try it. The other parts look like wire brushing should take away the old paint.