Heard what I thought was a rumour the other week concerning Small Business Rate Relief - that it was going to be scrapped!
Actually not true BUT, still in prospect...
To help small businesses over the effects of the recession, it was proposed in the last budget to DOUBLE the relief for 12 months from October 2010, so that if you currently get 50% double it to 100% and you pay NOTHING for 12 months. If you currently get 25%, double it and you'll get 50% relief.
Actually not true BUT, still in prospect...
To help small businesses over the effects of the recession, it was proposed in the last budget to DOUBLE the relief for 12 months from October 2010, so that if you currently get 50% double it to 100% and you pay NOTHING for 12 months. If you currently get 25%, double it and you'll get 50% relief.