Replacing our pebbledash with lime based render one of the guys who came to quote proposed a through coloured top coat. I knew it existed for modern renders but hadn't thought of this before for ours.
I can see the advantages in much less maintenance and one less step in the process. But the down side I see is if you have to patch something around a new hole for a pipe or something or you chip a corner off it will be far more difficult/impossible to make a tidy job of it than if it was painted.
Are there any other advantages/disadvantages I should be weighing up?
It was a PRB system he was proposing but I see a few others also have coloured top coat options.
I can see the advantages in much less maintenance and one less step in the process. But the down side I see is if you have to patch something around a new hole for a pipe or something or you chip a corner off it will be far more difficult/impossible to make a tidy job of it than if it was painted.
Are there any other advantages/disadvantages I should be weighing up?
It was a PRB system he was proposing but I see a few others also have coloured top coat options.