So I've spent the past few days looking round the rather unforgiving conversation to the GII basement flat I've brought and all the bits of work that need doing - can see a few more posts in the next few months.
My 1st priority (the other half seems to think the garden is the most important thing but hey) is the damp, which is bearable in the most part but really fairly bad esp regarding the smell in the bedroom which is at the front of the property.
Now the internal walls seemed fine but it looks like some of the joint between the concrete floor and brick wall outside has failed and so will need to repair this but investigating further I found what I presume to be a larder / cold room???
It's about 1.5m sq with a brick arched roof and rock and rubble side walls about 5 and 3/4 ft tall
Have drawn a little plan
And this is one of the things I found when I entered what i thought was going to be a small storage cupboard.
The wonderful workmanship blocking up presumably the old door...
Apologies for the bad pics will try and get some better ones over the weekend
Now the previous owner had a load of card and paper in there which wasn't helping matters so have removed that but when raining yesterday there was a load of moisture everywhere.
So 2 questions I guess
A. What do you think it was originally.
B. how to i get it to a usable state or should I treat the blocked entrance into the bedroom as the outside wall brick it up, and lower the floor level and put in some drainage and see where we go from there?
My 1st priority (the other half seems to think the garden is the most important thing but hey) is the damp, which is bearable in the most part but really fairly bad esp regarding the smell in the bedroom which is at the front of the property.
Now the internal walls seemed fine but it looks like some of the joint between the concrete floor and brick wall outside has failed and so will need to repair this but investigating further I found what I presume to be a larder / cold room???
It's about 1.5m sq with a brick arched roof and rock and rubble side walls about 5 and 3/4 ft tall
Have drawn a little plan
And this is one of the things I found when I entered what i thought was going to be a small storage cupboard.
The wonderful workmanship blocking up presumably the old door...
Apologies for the bad pics will try and get some better ones over the weekend
Now the previous owner had a load of card and paper in there which wasn't helping matters so have removed that but when raining yesterday there was a load of moisture everywhere.
So 2 questions I guess
A. What do you think it was originally.
B. how to i get it to a usable state or should I treat the blocked entrance into the bedroom as the outside wall brick it up, and lower the floor level and put in some drainage and see where we go from there?