I have a suspicion that Penners is of the generation that were taught to stand up straight and sit up straight - no youthful slouching back in his day. This could just have been his undoing......
This is very embarrassing. I really didn't want anyone to know that I had been away to the south of France, where it was warm enough to sip rose wine on the terrace, dine al fresco on foie gras and swim in the private pool every day.
And just in case any alternative interpretation is placed on the title of this thread, I most certainly didn't want any rumour put about that I suffer daily with sciatica and sacroliliac joint problems, and that I'm rarely without pain.
So please don't pester me for details. I'd prefer that nobody knew.
Poor, poor Mr P. Sciatica is like tigers gnawing at your leg night and day xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx One day the fragments sitting on the nerves will get bored and move off, I'm sure of it.
Penners, have you ever tried or considered a TENs machine for that back of yours? I use one on mine - which obviously is not as bad as yours - and it does help. My problem arises if I have been stood without moving much for an hour or so. 20 mins or so with the TENs relaxes the muscles which in turn releases the "trapped" nerves which are causing the pain in my back and legs.