Park Place Estate
Over the past year the owners of Park Place Estate have employed a group of leading experts to research the historical, ecological, environmental and architectural attributes of the estate.
The research has been discussed in detail with officers of Wokingham District Council and English Heritage, and has culminated in a comprehensive Conservation Plan for the estate. The research findings have been presented to the neighbouring Parish Councils.
Above all, the Conservation Plan is designed to guide the sympathetic restoration and reconstruction of this magnificent estate. It sets out the guiding principles that must underpin any future restoration, and a range of options for the estate’s potential use have been carefully examined in the context of its stated conservation objectives. The selected option to be submitted for planning consent must:
Protect and, where practicable, restore the historical, ecological, environmental and architectural attributes of the Estate.
Retain the Estate as a single entity and ensure that it is not again broken up, with parcels of land being sold off.
Ensure its ongoing commercial viability in order to underwrite the future of the landscape in the long term.
The option that is currently most favoured by the owners and the consulting team, and which best fits the conservation objectives of the Conservation Plan, is to bring the management of the unified estate under the aegis of a Members’ Club, where membership is inextricably linked to the custody of the heritage assets. This, of the options available, is the only one which secures an integrated and long-term approach to the management of the estate as an entity, and prevents its fragmentation once more.
During the period of this study, the owners have sought to keep local residents and interest groups well-informed about the research and emerging proposals at Park Place through a series of presentations, an Open Day, press articles and regular correspondence.
yes, Wokingham took a very strong line - rightly - regarding their local development plan policies. Makes you wonder who the scheme developers had doing planning consultancy for the project.
There was a big hoo-hah with local residents too who wanted a right of way smack through the middle of the park...I don't envy the 'steel magnate' or 'Russian oligarch' who tries to run that gauntlet again when the time comes.