There is a wealth of information, and a lot if disinformation, out on the web regarding thatch. You can even get 2 thatchers with totally opposed views.
Less of my ramblings, what I have is a water reed roof in decent nick totally netted all over. The state now is that a lot of autumns leaves are stuck in the netting especially
in a gully where they have actually composted and the moss is having a field day. I am in two minds to have the netting removed, unable to find out the thatcher who put it on to ask why.
I also believe the roof can be treated with some sort of moss killer to try to keep it at bay. If anyone has nuggets of advice on this I would be very grateful.
Less of my ramblings, what I have is a water reed roof in decent nick totally netted all over. The state now is that a lot of autumns leaves are stuck in the netting especially
in a gully where they have actually composted and the moss is having a field day. I am in two minds to have the netting removed, unable to find out the thatcher who put it on to ask why.
I also believe the roof can be treated with some sort of moss killer to try to keep it at bay. If anyone has nuggets of advice on this I would be very grateful.