If you have to go down this road and dont have or want to use a pressure washer set up a top tip is to use washing powder such as percil to strip off the paint stripper.
I am using NB510 on my beams to remove a wood/fence preservative and after i apply it and let it work for a while i use a bucket of hot water (not too hot) a soft sponge and some washing powder to wash the waxy stripper and paint off the beam. I then rinse down with clean warm water sprayed on with a pressurised garden sprayer/mixer.
Works a treat and wont do as much damage as a scrubbing brush.
I normally use washing powder and fairy to get oil and grease off my hands and thought it would possibly work on my beams , which it did.
You could even try sugar.
Basically i think it works like this , you need something to break down the wax that the old paint has been reduced to by the stripping chemicals (fairy is great for this) and something for it to stick to rather than your beams and keep it in suspension, washing powder or sugar works a treat.
I am using NB510 on my beams to remove a wood/fence preservative and after i apply it and let it work for a while i use a bucket of hot water (not too hot) a soft sponge and some washing powder to wash the waxy stripper and paint off the beam. I then rinse down with clean warm water sprayed on with a pressurised garden sprayer/mixer.
Works a treat and wont do as much damage as a scrubbing brush.
I normally use washing powder and fairy to get oil and grease off my hands and thought it would possibly work on my beams , which it did.
You could even try sugar.
Basically i think it works like this , you need something to break down the wax that the old paint has been reduced to by the stripping chemicals (fairy is great for this) and something for it to stick to rather than your beams and keep it in suspension, washing powder or sugar works a treat.