Trying to figure out what is going on with my floors and some dampness issues. Not entirely sure of the age of the house, at least 1885, but as the bay window appears to have been added, I suspect the original house is a good bit older.
Back of the house is at a higher level and is solid floor, while front is suspended timber. Entire ground floor has been covered with modern varnished timber flooring, which is in turn on top of vinyl floor tiles, and I have a theory that a contributing factor to the dampness in the walls at the lower level, might be the modern impermeable floor coverings forcing moisture into the walls. However, I am not entirely sure whether the solid floor at the rear of the house is historic, or if it has been filled at some point more recently. I have put a pic below from a cupboard where the wood floor hasn't been run, and I just needed to lift the old vinyl tiles. I chipped away a small thumb sized amount in the pic with a chisel, and it is a pinkish/reddish colour. It's not grey like modern cement, seems almost like soft brick - anyone any ideas what this could be? It does seem to be continuous as far as I can see.
Trying to figure out what is going on with my floors and some dampness issues. Not entirely sure of the age of the house, at least 1885, but as the bay window appears to have been added, I suspect the original house is a good bit older.
Back of the house is at a higher level and is solid floor, while front is suspended timber. Entire ground floor has been covered with modern varnished timber flooring, which is in turn on top of vinyl floor tiles, and I have a theory that a contributing factor to the dampness in the walls at the lower level, might be the modern impermeable floor coverings forcing moisture into the walls. However, I am not entirely sure whether the solid floor at the rear of the house is historic, or if it has been filled at some point more recently. I have put a pic below from a cupboard where the wood floor hasn't been run, and I just needed to lift the old vinyl tiles. I chipped away a small thumb sized amount in the pic with a chisel, and it is a pinkish/reddish colour. It's not grey like modern cement, seems almost like soft brick - anyone any ideas what this could be? It does seem to be continuous as far as I can see.