- Messages
- 606
- Location
- Alcester, Warwickshire
Hi there
I'm a newbie here, we hail from sunny south warwickshire, where we bought an 18th century cottage 2 years ago. Pretty place, apart from an AWFUL 80's renovation (you know whats coming don't you??) - DPCs, non lime plaster, some horrible stuck on balck beams to 'match' the real ones in the older back part of the house, crazy paving fireplace etc!! Anyway, amazingly the house is pretty good dampwise, even the flgstone floor which had been covered with carpet and underlay (yuk) but was spared the DPC and has dried out a treat since uncovering, though looks a mess, but thats another question! The main problem we have is a smelly spare room! This has a chimney stack running through it. Last summer (think rain rain and more rain!) we had the smell investigated and decided that the flashing/chimney was leaking. In actual fact we removed the chimney (not needed and bricks simply lifted off) and had it all correctly capped etc. Smell remains however and actually got worse. Hmmm. Chimney remains checked, its not leaking. In the room below the spare is th kitchen. When we moved in, there was a stanley, heat storing cooker in the old fireplace. And the smell in room above not so bad. The stanly was vented into the chimney void. Was this belting out such heat that it kept the chimney dry? And is our replacement ordinary cooker to blame for sending up less heat, which then can't make it out of the chimney cap before it condensates and leaks through chimney stack in spare room? Flue is running through middle of house so no external walls. Other side of spare room on first floor is bathroom whcih is fully tiled so can't see any damp there. The spare room has been unheated, now we have storage heater in there- how long should we give this to see if that sorts the problem?