I am getting quotes for 100mm sheep's wool to lay on top of existing insulation. However, "Ecofirst" have advised that I shouldnt lay it on top, later clarifying that, " if the insulation is organic then you can put sheeps wool on top, if non-organic then there is the risk of moisture retention."
My existing insulation seems to have been blown in there: it is grey, and very dusty, fluffyish. The best way to describe it is like the stuff that comes out the hoover bag.
I would guess that it is breathable, not sure about organic cos dont have a clue what it is made from. I would guess that non-organic would refer to foil or plastic/polystyrene board insulation?
Has anyone topped up with sheeps wool and experienced any problems?
My existing insulation seems to have been blown in there: it is grey, and very dusty, fluffyish. The best way to describe it is like the stuff that comes out the hoover bag.
I would guess that it is breathable, not sure about organic cos dont have a clue what it is made from. I would guess that non-organic would refer to foil or plastic/polystyrene board insulation?
Has anyone topped up with sheeps wool and experienced any problems?