Hello All I am new to this site and hopefully i can get some advice of a few things. We lived on a street of 12 houses which our waste is connected to a septic which isnt on our land it is on the landlords land.We are leaseholders of the properties. First thing is the septic tank seems to need repair has the soakaway has for sometime now fail to soak the water into the ground plus it has very light bbrown discharge from tank and can smell really bad when warm. Some of the neighbours seem to think that the land owner our freeholder who we pay rent to every year is responible for it, but we have had to contribute to the repair of a main water pipe which supplies the street with fresh water from the main water pipe. I have read the some of the deeds has i notice there is some pages missing but it states that we have to "contribute to making repairing maintaining rebuilding and cleaning all ways, roads, pavements, sewers, drains, pipes, watercousres or other conveniences which may belong to or be used for the demised premises or adjoining.". To me this doesnt state the septic tank but i presume it does cover it with the wording they have said and we are liable for it. If the tank needs emptying we all pay towards the cost of being empty. Someone has on the street said it is down to the landlord to ensure the tank can cope with the full capciaty of all houses and not down to us.
I am really sorry for the long post but i am hoping so one could just verify if the tank is ours or does it fall with landlord, before we pay for it to be renew.
Thanks for reading and sorry for boring you all
I am really sorry for the long post but i am hoping so one could just verify if the tank is ours or does it fall with landlord, before we pay for it to be renew.
Thanks for reading and sorry for boring you all