I’m terribly sorry if this question has been asked before. In the Georgian addition to our 15th c house, we’ve taken out a 1960s formica kitchen and replaced it with one loosely modelled on the early Victorian dresser that remained in the larder - mived from the kitchen, I later realised. Somewhat impressed by ghe look of Plain English (but not impressed by the £40k SP) we added oak worktops in a similar style and I sealed them with I think a Ronseal product. Around the sink, I clearly missed the odd bit or didn’t apply the three coats evenly, and I’m now getting water marks. Obviously, I can sand back and reapply, but I wondered whether to go traditional, sand off the varnish and just regularly scrub to get a traditional scrubbed pine look (on oak....) Firstly, is this wise/viable, second, if do, what were the methods used, aside from elbow grease? Was there a traditional solution scrubbed in?
Any advice would be gratefully received.
Any advice would be gratefully received.