Not sure if you guys are interested in 20th century architecture but there is a fairly attractive building in our town (Hastings) that the local council seem determined to pull down. It was built by local architect Henry ward in 1924 and whilst a predominantly industrial structure, it dose in my opinion have a reasonably attractive decorative Faience façade which I would think is probably worth keeping. Believe it or not they want to tear this down and replace it with a plastic fronted H------ Inn hotel ! what is the world coming to?
Details of the building can be found on a local group’s website (Stop The Observer Building Madness Please) If you hit the link in the home page index –“Read About The Observer Building” you will be able to see more detailed pictures of the façade.
A report on why the council want to knock it down can be found on:
I think whilst the council appreciate the façade, they feel it is too expensive to repair/maintain. I have contacted the 20th Century society who have already voiced their opinions to the local council but as I understand it to no avail.
What’s your opinion. Keep it or demolish it?
One of the most important buildings in our town however is the seafront Pelham Crescent
This historic group of georgian buildings comprising of St Mary-in-the-Castle church, 1-15 Pelham Crescent, 1-12/12a/12b Pelham Arcade and 7/8/9a/9 Pelham Place) is the Borough’s finest surviving post-medieval architectural heritage asset, and is of at least national cultural importance. All the buildings within the group are Listed, either Grade II (Arcade, 9a Pelham Place) or Grade II* (the rest) as being of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. An impending review of grading may see all or part of the building group raised to Listed Grade I status.
Guess what It would seem that they don’t have the money to repair it which I think is estimated at about 5 million pounds.
God help us all
Details of the building can be found on a local group’s website (Stop The Observer Building Madness Please) If you hit the link in the home page index –“Read About The Observer Building” you will be able to see more detailed pictures of the façade.
A report on why the council want to knock it down can be found on:
I think whilst the council appreciate the façade, they feel it is too expensive to repair/maintain. I have contacted the 20th Century society who have already voiced their opinions to the local council but as I understand it to no avail.
What’s your opinion. Keep it or demolish it?
One of the most important buildings in our town however is the seafront Pelham Crescent
This historic group of georgian buildings comprising of St Mary-in-the-Castle church, 1-15 Pelham Crescent, 1-12/12a/12b Pelham Arcade and 7/8/9a/9 Pelham Place) is the Borough’s finest surviving post-medieval architectural heritage asset, and is of at least national cultural importance. All the buildings within the group are Listed, either Grade II (Arcade, 9a Pelham Place) or Grade II* (the rest) as being of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. An impending review of grading may see all or part of the building group raised to Listed Grade I status.
Guess what It would seem that they don’t have the money to repair it which I think is estimated at about 5 million pounds.
God help us all