the out side of my house is painted in a pink masonry paint , its pink. it looks like a silk paint , almost glossy. could this be sandtex? what is sandtex? did i say its pink? anyhow , my brick chimney stacks are also painted in it , and its pink.
the house should be limewashed (in pink) so i am thinking perhaps this stuff should be removed at somestage in the future and replaced with a breathable paint like limewash (pink). what do you guys reckon? do i need to buy shares in notromors?
*pink is growing on me , honestly.
but i wont be rushing out to buy a pink shirt anytime soon , i just cannot pull off pink properly.
the house should be limewashed (in pink) so i am thinking perhaps this stuff should be removed at somestage in the future and replaced with a breathable paint like limewash (pink). what do you guys reckon? do i need to buy shares in notromors?
*pink is growing on me , honestly.
but i wont be rushing out to buy a pink shirt anytime soon , i just cannot pull off pink properly.