I have a victorian terraced house with a 1m high triangular shaped tidemark on the wall, up in the corner of my living room, and showing through the other side of the wall in the hallway with flaking plaster/paint at skirting board level. There is salt residue on the wall but no mould and the damp reading for the wall is high. The problem has gotten neither better nor worse in the past four years, it just shows through any new paintwork but does not grow laterally or vertically. We have had many 'experts' in to try to diagnose the problem and are getting conflicting answers each time. Nobody can tell me anything that I don't already know: namely that it is either rising damp, a leaking pipe in the wall or condensation. Does anyone out there have any tips for narrowing down possible causes as I am reluctant to have a chem dpc or other invasive and expensive work done without first finding a clear identifiable problem. Any advice gratefully received...