Our thatched cottage is grade II listed and in a conservation area. It has oil fired heating and the existing oil tank is old and rusting so I want to replace it. Just been reading about current regulations on siting tanks and ours would not comply given that its right up against a neighbours fence. Problem is, I cannot think of a better place to put it. In the garden would require miles of pipe work and destroy ancient garden in a conservation area surrounded by thatched cottages. Really the only place where it would meet the regulations whilst being a sensible distance from the boiler for pipes is in the middle of the driveway! I presume I need planning consent to get the tank replaced even if with with something of the same size but no idea how I get approval to effectively breach the guidance on siting tanks a certain distance from boundary fences. How would you proceed - ask conservation officer to opine (although experience tells me they simply won't!)?