We have to replace our back door as the existing frame, simple canopy above and door is completely rotten due to the failure and slant of the canopy above funnelling water back into the wall. Fortunately the original oak structure of the wall seems to be OK!
The current back door to our house leads directly into the kitchen. It is a modern softwood door in a Georgian (allegedly!) style i.e. half-glazed with 9 small glass panels and a 3 panels forming a semi circle above within the same door. It was probably put in in the 1980s and probably in breach of the listed status of the building. We have no record of what was there before except some moulding which matches elsewhere in the house which points to renovation work done in the 19th century. This moulding is sound. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to assume that the previous door would be of the same period. Equally there is nothing to suggest this was an original door opening. The elevation has Georgian style sashes and triple casement windows with each casement dived in to 6 and is white weatherboard.
Subject to relevant consents, we propose to replace with a bespoke hardwood half glazed door, either a stable door type or normal single door and not that look like they are bought from B&Q like the one we have at the mo! I have a couple I like but can’t seem to post the images here. The website addresses are below though. The canopy also needs to be replaced and rebuilt. Any thoughts?
We have had a quote for this and the door, frame and canopy is not cheap at £1700 excl VAT but they are looking for nearly £1000 labour costs. There is no mention of locks or door furniture on the quote. Total quote is in excess of £3000 inc VAT :shock: Surely not?? Looking at websites, doors look like they are £700-1000 but does anyone have any idea how much labour should be?
http://www.redwoodjoinery.com/products.php (left hand side)
http://www.broadleaftimber.com/doors/photogallery/pgexternaloakdoors31.html (but painted)
The current back door to our house leads directly into the kitchen. It is a modern softwood door in a Georgian (allegedly!) style i.e. half-glazed with 9 small glass panels and a 3 panels forming a semi circle above within the same door. It was probably put in in the 1980s and probably in breach of the listed status of the building. We have no record of what was there before except some moulding which matches elsewhere in the house which points to renovation work done in the 19th century. This moulding is sound. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to assume that the previous door would be of the same period. Equally there is nothing to suggest this was an original door opening. The elevation has Georgian style sashes and triple casement windows with each casement dived in to 6 and is white weatherboard.
Subject to relevant consents, we propose to replace with a bespoke hardwood half glazed door, either a stable door type or normal single door and not that look like they are bought from B&Q like the one we have at the mo! I have a couple I like but can’t seem to post the images here. The website addresses are below though. The canopy also needs to be replaced and rebuilt. Any thoughts?
We have had a quote for this and the door, frame and canopy is not cheap at £1700 excl VAT but they are looking for nearly £1000 labour costs. There is no mention of locks or door furniture on the quote. Total quote is in excess of £3000 inc VAT :shock: Surely not?? Looking at websites, doors look like they are £700-1000 but does anyone have any idea how much labour should be?
http://www.redwoodjoinery.com/products.php (left hand side)
http://www.broadleaftimber.com/doors/photogallery/pgexternaloakdoors31.html (but painted)