As in the pic, the chimney pot 3rd from the left is broken at the top. Someone in the past has tied a wire to hold something across it. It was clearly broken before the chimney was rebuilt but the mason has refitted and cemented it back in and I am only noticing it now, so I need to repair it in place. It won't be very noticeable from the ground but this particular chimney is going to be live so I am going to be fitting a cowl, and I need it to be reasonably mechanically sound for this. I was thinking of using the metal hose clip from the cowl to hold a piece of slate in place, then plastering around it with some mortar, but wondered if anyone had done this before or had any better ideas?
As in the pic, the chimney pot 3rd from the left is broken at the top. Someone in the past has tied a wire to hold something across it. It was clearly broken before the chimney was rebuilt but the mason has refitted and cemented it back in and I am only noticing it now, so I need to repair it in place. It won't be very noticeable from the ground but this particular chimney is going to be live so I am going to be fitting a cowl, and I need it to be reasonably mechanically sound for this. I was thinking of using the metal hose clip from the cowl to hold a piece of slate in place, then plastering around it with some mortar, but wondered if anyone had done this before or had any better ideas?