Hi there
I've just uncovered a cast iron late Victorian fireplace in my bedroom. The outside part is covered in thick gloss paint but there is a nice and intricate design including a small centre piece of a bird. The tiles on either side are covered in dark red emulsion paint and the grate part appears intact except that at the back and sides there is what appears to be some sort of crumbling brick type substance which looks like it was randomly packed into openings or mouldings of the iron work. What is the best way of removing a) the gloss paint, b) the emulsion off the tiles, and c) what on earth is the bricked in stuff and should I remove it? I thought the crumbling brick stuff could be removed to reveal a metal back to the fire but it looks like there is nothing but an open space behind it - is that normal?
I've just uncovered a cast iron late Victorian fireplace in my bedroom. The outside part is covered in thick gloss paint but there is a nice and intricate design including a small centre piece of a bird. The tiles on either side are covered in dark red emulsion paint and the grate part appears intact except that at the back and sides there is what appears to be some sort of crumbling brick type substance which looks like it was randomly packed into openings or mouldings of the iron work. What is the best way of removing a) the gloss paint, b) the emulsion off the tiles, and c) what on earth is the bricked in stuff and should I remove it? I thought the crumbling brick stuff could be removed to reveal a metal back to the fire but it looks like there is nothing but an open space behind it - is that normal?