Hi all - great site loads of fascinating information and guidance. I need help - I have recently taken on custodian ship of a grade2 listed 18c cottage in Shaftesbury - on finding bubbly paint on an inside stairwell wall I decided to scarpe back to find out cause - wall is dry and it looks to me as though the problem was caused by modern emulsion over distemper - my scrapings have revealed areas of TURQUOISE chalky finish (? Distemper) ove thin layer of browish paper over what looks like ochre plaster over what looks like grey render. I love the Turqoise color and want to replicate (it looks like a colour called Arsenic on Farrow and Balls chart) My question is 2 fold - 1. Does anyone kow if this turquoise would have been an authentic 18th C colour? and 2. What should I fill the hole in the wall with? its about 4inches by 6inches and grey render over brick - Should I be looking at repairing with Lime render or ....pollyfilla (please don't shout at me I'm new to all this!!) My poor cottage has been severaly modernised and seems to have patches of ghastly concrete in patches all over the place - I wnat to nurture it as best I can ... the cottage not the concrete! Cottage is built of a mix of brick above rubblestone and greenstone (i think).Heeeelp