Since we're on a water meter I've been toying with the idea of using rain water for loo flushing and maybe filling the washing machine (in addition to garden watering). It's a tempting idea, but the romance of 'free' water may be greater than the genuine practicalities of pumps, switches, filters, secondary plumbing and not to mention the potential for leaks.
Anyone got any experience of hybrid mains/harvested water and the associated problems that they could share?
We've got the advantage of a great big period cistern (something over 15 cubic m and lined in concrete at some point too) just outside the kitchen that collects rain water from most of the cottage and even in the dry South East that should be sufficient for our needs.
Currently I do use the water for the garden (most of the time) - I just drop a cheap submersible pump down there when required and so this already reduces our metered water requirements and therefore cost savings from a more permanent set-up.
Thanks - any thoughts appreciated.
Anyone got any experience of hybrid mains/harvested water and the associated problems that they could share?
We've got the advantage of a great big period cistern (something over 15 cubic m and lined in concrete at some point too) just outside the kitchen that collects rain water from most of the cottage and even in the dry South East that should be sufficient for our needs.
Currently I do use the water for the garden (most of the time) - I just drop a cheap submersible pump down there when required and so this already reduces our metered water requirements and therefore cost savings from a more permanent set-up.
Thanks - any thoughts appreciated.