I'm having a radiator added to an existing central heating system in the dining room of my Victorian Farmhouse where currently there isn't one. There's a solid floor so the plumber's recommended coming down from the bedroom above, meaning that there will be a couple of 15mm pipes descending in the corner of the room.
Can anybody recommend any way of boxing the pipes in that would look OK in an old house? I can't find any good examples anywhere online except PVC trunking. I half thinking about getting him to leave them unboxed and just painting them over the same colour as the walls.
Anybody got any good ideas?
Can anybody recommend any way of boxing the pipes in that would look OK in an old house? I can't find any good examples anywhere online except PVC trunking. I half thinking about getting him to leave them unboxed and just painting them over the same colour as the walls.
Anybody got any good ideas?