I am presently renewing a flat roof on top of a porch. This is against a random stone wall.
The original flashing is only 50mm above the roof and the felt had no upstand below it. It was only 50mm above for 3/4 of the way across, then the flashing took a 90 degree turn down to follow the mortar joint below a large stone (the one with the red mark on it)
The original flashing can be seen in this picture with the larger stone on the left. temporary flashing tape has been applied to cure any short term leaks. the original flashing enters the mortar joint where the crease in the flashing tape is. The larger stone block can be seen with the red mark on it.
I am just wondering where to put new flashing in by. The new felt is recommended to have an upstand of 150mm and the only continuous mortar joint above that is the one below the window ledge which is 280mm above the roof.
The only other option would be to cut a slot (25mm depth)through that stone with the red mark and continue the mortar joint across level with the top of the red mark. But I am reluctant to do that as I don't know if it would cause a problem in the future with that stone(cause it to crack?)
I think that it would be better to fit the flashing in under the window ledge, but would this be ok. It would just be the sheer size of it then as I would probably need to use 240mm width flashing.
I would be grateful for any suggestions.
The original flashing is only 50mm above the roof and the felt had no upstand below it. It was only 50mm above for 3/4 of the way across, then the flashing took a 90 degree turn down to follow the mortar joint below a large stone (the one with the red mark on it)
The original flashing can be seen in this picture with the larger stone on the left. temporary flashing tape has been applied to cure any short term leaks. the original flashing enters the mortar joint where the crease in the flashing tape is. The larger stone block can be seen with the red mark on it.
I am just wondering where to put new flashing in by. The new felt is recommended to have an upstand of 150mm and the only continuous mortar joint above that is the one below the window ledge which is 280mm above the roof.
The only other option would be to cut a slot (25mm depth)through that stone with the red mark and continue the mortar joint across level with the top of the red mark. But I am reluctant to do that as I don't know if it would cause a problem in the future with that stone(cause it to crack?)
I think that it would be better to fit the flashing in under the window ledge, but would this be ok. It would just be the sheer size of it then as I would probably need to use 240mm width flashing.
I would be grateful for any suggestions.