Mentioned on BBC Breakfast yesterday, and clearly very popular - I found it almost unusably slow too. Hopefully it'll quieten down soon, or they'll improve the site capacity in some way.
I managed to get in later, and register. No photo of my place though. I was hoping to see the clay pits in action, as well as seeing what the house was like before it was altered in the late 60s.
Seems to have got over the initial rush now and is running much faster, no images of our area unfortunately but I believe they are adding photos on an ongoing basis
They have three of my place from different angles and it has solved a mystery. Where my extension is there used to be another wee cottage alongside - always wondered why one of the extension's walls was the same construction as the main house. As the wall also forms the boundary they obviously decided to leave that section. The mystery building has an odd design, a good bit taller than the original cottage. Also explains why there are numbers missing in the street.
If you can't find anything try You can buy copies of the images at a far higher resolution than Britain from Above give you for free.