I stripped the harling off a chimney as it was coming loose.
Is it OK if I just use paint the brickowrk with masonry paint, as opposed to reharling?
Some of the bricks are spalled so I figure I would use Jontex highbulid masonry paint,
Cynic that I am, I find it hard to believe that this is any more breathable than a thick polythene bag: http://www.johnstonestrade.com/PaintSpecifier/PDF/productDatasheets/Stormshield%20Jontex%20High%20Build%20Textured%20Masonry.pdf
Cynic that I am, I find it hard to believe that this is any more breathable than a thick polythene bag: http://www.johnstonestrade.com/PaintSpecifier/PDF/productDatasheets/Stormshield%20Jontex%20High%20Build%20Textured%20Masonry.pdf