So we are now working on the dreaded stair turret - I have put it off as it involves planks and ladders.
Old lime plaster has over the years - lots of years, deteriorated. Some parts of the wall have now lost the skim coat of lime plaster and have flaked away to reveal the levelling coat. We have tried to remove flakey paint and the loose plaster, the top coat, not knocking off the levelling coat.
Sp the options? If I did not know better I would like to seal the wall, PVA or something similar, but this is lime. So my choices are use the sealant and then the seciltek paint over the wall as is - my preferred choice, I like seciltek paint.
Or, if I had lots of time, money and not a fear of the ladders and planks, then I may decide to use something like DG 27 primer and then the heritage top coat of lime plaster.
What is possible?
Old lime plaster has over the years - lots of years, deteriorated. Some parts of the wall have now lost the skim coat of lime plaster and have flaked away to reveal the levelling coat. We have tried to remove flakey paint and the loose plaster, the top coat, not knocking off the levelling coat.
Sp the options? If I did not know better I would like to seal the wall, PVA or something similar, but this is lime. So my choices are use the sealant and then the seciltek paint over the wall as is - my preferred choice, I like seciltek paint.
Or, if I had lots of time, money and not a fear of the ladders and planks, then I may decide to use something like DG 27 primer and then the heritage top coat of lime plaster.
What is possible?