On the Planning Portal & Thanet Concil website, there seem to be many words and pages about public consultation, It seems as if every opportunity to provide useful links has been missed. All the pages seem to be virtual dead ends.
Or am I an incompetent web user?
On recently joining my local Conservation Area Committee Group, I wanted to view and comment on a planning application in my area.
Armed with the application number, I went online.
The Planning portal seemed to be an obvious place to look. http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/
Banners announce the site as being "The Complete online planning and building resource" and "your one-stop-shop for planning and building services online"
It looks like I'm in the right place!
I select the "General Public" area of the site. And then "Planning" and finally, "Having your Say" http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/genpub/en/1018892037723.html
Sounds good, but on the page, there is no mention of the public being able to view or comment on applications online. No links. It's a dead end.
I go back to the homepage http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/
On the right there are is a list of "Common Questions", each is an active link. One of the questions/links is: "I want to comment about a development near me"
Great! Looks like Im getting there!
The link takes me to the "Having Your Say" page: http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/genpub/en/1103046453430.html
Haven't I been here before? No! This is a different "Having Your Say page" page, So this time I could be in luck....
On this page threre is a paragraph on "Finding out about developments", another on "Making your views known". Many words about consultation and the public having their say on applications, however, iI failed have my say. There are no active links. It is a dead end.
The only active link is to the Local Government Ombudsman
So on the Planning portal - "The Complete online planning and building resource" There is no clear link search and comment on an applications.
As a last attempt I tried entering "Search planning applications" in the search box, I get an "enter registration and password" page.
I try using the local council website
I click on "Environment and planning", then "Planning"
On the page "Planning Applications" http://www.thanet.gov.uk/environment__planning/planning/planning_applications.aspx there is a section titled "Application Search". Great! It says I can, among other things, "view individual planning applications" and "submit comments",
which is exactly what I wanted to do.
Actually, it's not great at all!
Its another dead end. Just words, no function and no link .
The page states: "The Council also works in partnership with UKPlanning.com and UKPlanning.com is a link, so I follow that:
which takes me to http://www.ukplanning.com/ukp/custom/forwards/selectandsearch.jsp?council=Thanet%20District%20Council&fwd=search/
Apache Tomcat/4.0.6 - HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error
I go directly to: http://www.ukplanning.com/
In the heading it states: "View, apply, track applications online now - Test Drive Now"
Great! Well not great here either. The page is empty, the menus don't work.
I try the next day, same result.
Later today, the UK planning site was working again and I was able to download and comment on the plans.
I realize that the sites can sometimes not work, or that I may have missed something, but I have used the internet for over 15 years and at one stage ran a business designing websites.I don't understand why links to not clearly provided on ALL the planning pages of the council website and on the Planning Portal where they talk of "viewing and Commenting on applications". As it is, it would seem that viewing and commenting on applications not encouraged.
Or am I an incompetent web user?
On recently joining my local Conservation Area Committee Group, I wanted to view and comment on a planning application in my area.
Armed with the application number, I went online.
The Planning portal seemed to be an obvious place to look. http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/
Banners announce the site as being "The Complete online planning and building resource" and "your one-stop-shop for planning and building services online"
It looks like I'm in the right place!
I select the "General Public" area of the site. And then "Planning" and finally, "Having your Say" http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/genpub/en/1018892037723.html
Sounds good, but on the page, there is no mention of the public being able to view or comment on applications online. No links. It's a dead end.
I go back to the homepage http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/
On the right there are is a list of "Common Questions", each is an active link. One of the questions/links is: "I want to comment about a development near me"
Great! Looks like Im getting there!
The link takes me to the "Having Your Say" page: http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/genpub/en/1103046453430.html
Haven't I been here before? No! This is a different "Having Your Say page" page, So this time I could be in luck....
On this page threre is a paragraph on "Finding out about developments", another on "Making your views known". Many words about consultation and the public having their say on applications, however, iI failed have my say. There are no active links. It is a dead end.
The only active link is to the Local Government Ombudsman
So on the Planning portal - "The Complete online planning and building resource" There is no clear link search and comment on an applications.
As a last attempt I tried entering "Search planning applications" in the search box, I get an "enter registration and password" page.
I try using the local council website
I click on "Environment and planning", then "Planning"
On the page "Planning Applications" http://www.thanet.gov.uk/environment__planning/planning/planning_applications.aspx there is a section titled "Application Search". Great! It says I can, among other things, "view individual planning applications" and "submit comments",
which is exactly what I wanted to do.
Actually, it's not great at all!
Its another dead end. Just words, no function and no link .
The page states: "The Council also works in partnership with UKPlanning.com and UKPlanning.com is a link, so I follow that:
which takes me to http://www.ukplanning.com/ukp/custom/forwards/selectandsearch.jsp?council=Thanet%20District%20Council&fwd=search/
Apache Tomcat/4.0.6 - HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error
I go directly to: http://www.ukplanning.com/
In the heading it states: "View, apply, track applications online now - Test Drive Now"
Great! Well not great here either. The page is empty, the menus don't work.
I try the next day, same result.
Later today, the UK planning site was working again and I was able to download and comment on the plans.
I realize that the sites can sometimes not work, or that I may have missed something, but I have used the internet for over 15 years and at one stage ran a business designing websites.I don't understand why links to not clearly provided on ALL the planning pages of the council website and on the Planning Portal where they talk of "viewing and Commenting on applications". As it is, it would seem that viewing and commenting on applications not encouraged.