Obviously your primary interest would have been the building, but if you're also interested in eclectic collections of stuff, you should put Snowshill Manor on your list. It's near Broadway in Gloucestershire.
The original owner of the house, Charles Paget Wade, was a considerable eccentric. He was an architect, but also a collector... of anything and everything! One of those people who, if they find two of something in their pocket, they have to start a collection. The house is full of clocks, chests, scrimshaw, furniture, model agricultural equipment, Japanese armour... the list is endless.
Snowshill is incredible! A beautiful building, and, as you say, a wonderful collection of objects. Absolutely crammed full! Standing out for me were the Japanese Armour and also a fairly hideous picture fashioned out of the bodies of various large dead insects! All very interesting.
Yamin - you must live very close to one of my favourite days out: Avoncroft Museum. A fascinating collection of vernacular buildings throughout the ages, including a fully furnished prefab.
I am indeed - we are 'members' of it - I mentioned it the other day in the messages about the windmill - we love the windmill. They have added an anderson shelter to the prefab. In fact, its Christmas at Avoncroft this weekend, so we'll be along to see Christmas in the Merchants House and Father Christmas in the showmans wagon!