It was nice and sunny today so thought I would have a potter around outside before work.
At the back of our shed is this little part brick/timber/corrugated iron structure that we call the 'Pig Pen' and it's a bit of a general dumping ground so I started chucking rubbish away and having a tidy.
(hope you like the gutter down pipe :lol: )
Now roughly where those slates are stacked next to the old bit of ply is a step down, roughly 18 inches deep, and it has old bricks and rubble which I started to move. Moved about two bricks and thought ??? what's going on here.
Pulled about four out and uncovered an archway :shock:
It's about two or three feet at widest points and there's a flipping big caverny thing under the pig pen - I only had a crappy torch kicking about which wouldn't light it to see anything and tried poking a rake in and it wouldn't reach the other side :shock: :shock:
Here's a photo of the step down area - there's some clay pipe at the 'shed end'. Arch blocked by pipe to stop cat investigating.
The floor in the pig pen above the cavern is solid concrete.
Anyone got a clue?
At the back of our shed is this little part brick/timber/corrugated iron structure that we call the 'Pig Pen' and it's a bit of a general dumping ground so I started chucking rubbish away and having a tidy.
(hope you like the gutter down pipe :lol: )
Now roughly where those slates are stacked next to the old bit of ply is a step down, roughly 18 inches deep, and it has old bricks and rubble which I started to move. Moved about two bricks and thought ??? what's going on here.
Pulled about four out and uncovered an archway :shock:
It's about two or three feet at widest points and there's a flipping big caverny thing under the pig pen - I only had a crappy torch kicking about which wouldn't light it to see anything and tried poking a rake in and it wouldn't reach the other side :shock: :shock:
Here's a photo of the step down area - there's some clay pipe at the 'shed end'. Arch blocked by pipe to stop cat investigating.
The floor in the pig pen above the cavern is solid concrete.
Anyone got a clue?