We're about to open up two old windows that have been blocked up for well over a century. The thing is, they don't have any sills- presumably they were removed when the windows were blocked up. The guy making the windows has offered to put in wooden sills, which I can't imagine would last very long. As the other windows have stone sills, I think it would look better to either get replacements to match them, or else not to have any sills in the two reopened windows. However, getting matching sills would cost us in time and money. Is it ever okay not to have a sill in a window, or do you run the risk of too much water entering into the house walls? (Our walls are random rubble limestone, and will eventually be rendered). Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
We're about to open up two old windows that have been blocked up for well over a century. The thing is, they don't have any sills- presumably they were removed when the windows were blocked up. The guy making the windows has offered to put in wooden sills, which I can't imagine would last very long. As the other windows have stone sills, I think it would look better to either get replacements to match them, or else not to have any sills in the two reopened windows. However, getting matching sills would cost us in time and money. Is it ever okay not to have a sill in a window, or do you run the risk of too much water entering into the house walls? (Our walls are random rubble limestone, and will eventually be rendered). Any advice would be greatly appreciated.