Hope someone can help please.
I have found the original red/cream/black victorian tiled floor in my hallway. I would like to know how i can clean it please. It seems to be in very good condition but has residue of modern underlay and sticky tape on it.
Most useful item is elbow grease! Scrub clean with warm water and a mild detergent, rinse off with more water and then use a mop to get the rest clean, we found the dirty water initially made things worse! Clean off remaining sticky stuff with a degreasant, De-Solv-it or somesuch, but check this is ok on a out of the way bit first. We then polished it with a polish, the name of which escapes me. End result was well worth it but it took an entire week-end and I was exhausted. Floor only needed a regular sweep and quick swoosh over occasionally, despite heavy traffic.
HG Haggessan do a cleaner that claims to be specifically formulated for getting that sticky carpet adhesive off. I've not used it myself, but they seem to be quite a good firm, so it might be worth having a go with it.
(If you find it does the trick, please let us know)
Just a couple of weeks ago I removed a lot of sticky carpet glue with hot soapy water and a scrubbing brush. Then rinsed, then started again with a fresh bucket of hot water with Flash in it and some common old soda crystals. That shifted a lot of ingrained muck (again with the scrubbing brush). Rinse well again or the soda dries white.
It needs another go (mine had bitumen on them too) but I'm not going to do that until I've finished plastering in there.
I love soda crystals, cheap and good for cleaning just about anything from drains to glass if you want it all sparkly. A great degreaser, but you must wear rubber gloves. Comes in bags, from hardware type shops, not sure about supermarkets, although Waitrose sells it.
Excellent thanks for all the tips. This house is much better than the original one i wanted..filthy dirty in a grimy way, but original architraves and lovely feel to it.