Hi All,
just a quick question if anyone can advise please? Is it possible to use pre-coloured lime render on a cob cottage rather than go thorugh the labour intense painting on of limewash?
It might be an idea to ask the suppliers of the pre-coloured render.
The pre-coloured stuff that I used was only a top-coat. A suitable base-coat had to be applied first. I used two different types of base-coat depending on what it was going onto.
I know nothing about cob, but I doubt you would be able to do this. This is because I couldn't find a suitable base-coat to use the pre-coloured stuff onto old soft brickwork, so on those parts of the house, I've used a putty-based lime render and am having to limewash it.
The supplier I used for the pre-coloured render top coat was these people, give them a shout perhaps: