I've finished some pointing repairs using a mix of lime putty, ash and sand (two types) agreed with my supplier (who visited to take a sample).
The repaired pieces have a magnolia-like shade, noticeably a different shade (quite markedly) to the existing mortar, but I understand that this will weather so that the appearance will be closer to the existing. How long should this weathering taken, anyone, weeks, months or years ?
The existing mortar contained ash, giving it a rather speckled appearance. The repair mortar ingredients that my supplier recommended contains what he believed to be a similar proportion of ash, however the particle size is evidently much less, so that when it was mixed, the effect was rather like that of mixing two colours of paint ie there is no speckled appearance and perhaps even after weathering the colour won't be the same as the existing mortar. Not only that, but with hindsight the existing mortar attributed its speckled appearance not just to ash, but to random fine gravel, which my supplier did not advise (or perhaps he thought that the ash could take the place of the gravel). In other words, I am not convinced that my supplier advised me correctly and I may have to go elsewhere for specialist advice in future, and be more circumspect.
Any comments, anyone ?
I've finished some pointing repairs using a mix of lime putty, ash and sand (two types) agreed with my supplier (who visited to take a sample).
The repaired pieces have a magnolia-like shade, noticeably a different shade (quite markedly) to the existing mortar, but I understand that this will weather so that the appearance will be closer to the existing. How long should this weathering taken, anyone, weeks, months or years ?
The existing mortar contained ash, giving it a rather speckled appearance. The repair mortar ingredients that my supplier recommended contains what he believed to be a similar proportion of ash, however the particle size is evidently much less, so that when it was mixed, the effect was rather like that of mixing two colours of paint ie there is no speckled appearance and perhaps even after weathering the colour won't be the same as the existing mortar. Not only that, but with hindsight the existing mortar attributed its speckled appearance not just to ash, but to random fine gravel, which my supplier did not advise (or perhaps he thought that the ash could take the place of the gravel). In other words, I am not convinced that my supplier advised me correctly and I may have to go elsewhere for specialist advice in future, and be more circumspect.
Any comments, anyone ?