Hi All,
We are in the process or applying for LBC to install central heating in our old school building. We are applying re the siting of the oil tank and the vertical flue both of which will be at the back of our building and will not be visible from the front or in any way ..unless you are in our garden. I can't call or email our CO for advice because they do not respond and will only give me advice if I pay another £150 yes I realise we should have mentioned this when they visited. Flue will be exiting out of the roof of our utility room at the back which is not original to the main school building but was added on at some point do you think we will have a problem with the consent I am very concerned they might ask that we have the boiler somewhere else i.e externally which would mean our budget being blown and us not being able to have the cast iron column rads which I am desperate to have but will look amazing in our building and have already nearly blown the budget! Yes in an ideal world we would be going eco but ground source not an option we still have the playground where some bright spark turfed over the top, neither is air source and we have no mains gas in the village but main source of heating is a 12kw stove so we are not entirely reliant on the oil, having spent 1k on electricity (night stores and emersion for hot water only) in the our first year we are desperate to get rid of electric heating. Does a CO look at every single LBC application or does this just go through the Parish council? Sorry I know I should know this!
many thanks
We are in the process or applying for LBC to install central heating in our old school building. We are applying re the siting of the oil tank and the vertical flue both of which will be at the back of our building and will not be visible from the front or in any way ..unless you are in our garden. I can't call or email our CO for advice because they do not respond and will only give me advice if I pay another £150 yes I realise we should have mentioned this when they visited. Flue will be exiting out of the roof of our utility room at the back which is not original to the main school building but was added on at some point do you think we will have a problem with the consent I am very concerned they might ask that we have the boiler somewhere else i.e externally which would mean our budget being blown and us not being able to have the cast iron column rads which I am desperate to have but will look amazing in our building and have already nearly blown the budget! Yes in an ideal world we would be going eco but ground source not an option we still have the playground where some bright spark turfed over the top, neither is air source and we have no mains gas in the village but main source of heating is a 12kw stove so we are not entirely reliant on the oil, having spent 1k on electricity (night stores and emersion for hot water only) in the our first year we are desperate to get rid of electric heating. Does a CO look at every single LBC application or does this just go through the Parish council? Sorry I know I should know this!
many thanks