I've been acquiring old bricks when I've seen them in a local auction or when a builder neighbour has told me he has a few that will otherwise take up some skip space. I want to use some of them to create a mini wall in the garden to create a little raised area for some pots so I'll fill in behind them. The thing is though, ideally I want to lay them on their sides so that the names and locality of the brick maker is on display. Some of them have intricate patterns too. Is this an OK thing to do? The wall will only be 4 bricks high and won't be load bearing. Will I regret doing this? I think it could look quite cool if I did it but obviously bricks are generally laid "properly" for a reason.
Can anyone offer any sound advice? I've never done brick laying before and I want to use this opportunity to have a go.
Can anyone offer any sound advice? I've never done brick laying before and I want to use this opportunity to have a go.