Pity the page calls the Banqueting Hall at Gibside "Gibsite". And it's not really near Newcastle - it's quite a long bus ride and walk away.
Almost inaccessible without a car in other words.
I'd restrict grants/funding to places that people can't reach without using cars.
Did Landmark get a grant? Can't recall. There's no compulsion that anywhere getting a repair grant has to be on a bus route I have to say, otherwise there could be major problems for many more historic buildings and their rescue. The building was a ruin when they took it on. It's wonderful now. But yes, once inside the Gibside Estate there's a great deal of walking to do to reach all the buildings.
There is a bus service to Gibside. In fact 'Newcastle' covers a large area postal address wise - I used to live and work not far from there. Further away in fact, and was still 'Newcastle'.
I'd recommend LT visits to anyone. They have the most wonderfully eclectic collection of buildings in superb locations. Next time you're planning a trip somewhere, get the brochure and pick an LT property to stay in.