I have discovered that my decorator has not used knotting solution on the knots of the wood work. MY question is for a professional decorator is this normal practice or unacceptable. (solvent based primer, undercoat and two coats of eggshell have been used).
Presumably he's been painting softwood, with knots?
If so, then he should have used knotting compound (which is mainly shellac). And I'm sorry to say that it's quite likely your knots will start to show a discolouration through the finish in due course. In the longer term some yellow sap may bleed through the paint.
That's unless he's used some magic new primer that I haven't heard of. Can you be more specific about the manufacturer and type of each paint?
Knotting, of course, works best on relatively new timber knots.
On well seasoned timber ( and well seasoned knots) it is no too important, just exterior wood filler to fill excess gaps and primer on bare wood is just fine.
Alex - Middi has a point. I assumed that it was new woodwork that your painter was painting. But if he's redecorating old woodwork, then the problem is less likely to occur.