Hi all,
Latest update on my little 'project' and rapidly diminishing budget...
We've got most of the big nasties out of the way and the roof is no longer in danger of joining us in bed. Still have to address where some kind previous resident has removed the bottom of a chimney breast without choosing to support any of the remaining 18' of brick above. So now onto some more cosmetic stuff...
We've investigated the bounce in the bedroom floor and discovered that it's due to narrower that 'usual' joists. These are in reasonable condition, so it's not a serious problem, but would be good to fix to avoid future issues. A couple of suggestions from a friendly local carpenter include adding a supporting beam across the room below - but that's not an option as it would take 8" down into a room that's already only just over 6" ceiling. He's also not up for replacing any joists - as apparently 'current regulations' (boo hiss) mean that we'd need a certain amount of " at either end, which being a mid-terrace property causes a major problem.
When I first mentioned it, someone here gave a very useful sounding DIY suggestion involving joist hangers (brick built house) and additional mini cross-beams/joists. Any further details/suggestions/places I can go to learn how to do this?
(FYI - we're replacing some of the floorboards anyway - in a complicated dance involving moving boards from room to room! - so are going at this from above)
Latest update on my little 'project' and rapidly diminishing budget...
We've got most of the big nasties out of the way and the roof is no longer in danger of joining us in bed. Still have to address where some kind previous resident has removed the bottom of a chimney breast without choosing to support any of the remaining 18' of brick above. So now onto some more cosmetic stuff...
We've investigated the bounce in the bedroom floor and discovered that it's due to narrower that 'usual' joists. These are in reasonable condition, so it's not a serious problem, but would be good to fix to avoid future issues. A couple of suggestions from a friendly local carpenter include adding a supporting beam across the room below - but that's not an option as it would take 8" down into a room that's already only just over 6" ceiling. He's also not up for replacing any joists - as apparently 'current regulations' (boo hiss) mean that we'd need a certain amount of " at either end, which being a mid-terrace property causes a major problem.
When I first mentioned it, someone here gave a very useful sounding DIY suggestion involving joist hangers (brick built house) and additional mini cross-beams/joists. Any further details/suggestions/places I can go to learn how to do this?
(FYI - we're replacing some of the floorboards anyway - in a complicated dance involving moving boards from room to room! - so are going at this from above)