My four panelled front door (exterior door) despite having been repaired and painted, constantly develops expansion/contraction cracks on its exterior face when the warm weather comes along.
I think the door is original (about 1880) and of pine construction and is approximately 2060mm (6’ 9”) high by 1040mm (3’ 5”) wide and 45mm (1 3/4”) thick. The four panels are about 30mm thick and are flat to the exterior face of the door and recessed to the internal face.
The construction is quite standard with a top, mid and bottom rail connecting to two side rails or stiles. Each of the four panels appear to be made up of two bits of timber as one can see the vertical joins in each panel i.e. twin panels in each of the four sections if you like.
The most severe cracks occur in the vertical joins between the panels and the side rails however there are also noticeable cracks in the twin panel joins mentioned above.
Contraction in the horizontal joins is minimal and the tennon joints between the rails are also quite secure. Interestingly these cracks only really appear on the outer face which is exposed to the weather. Any cracks on the inner face are quite miniscule.
Could somebody please advise on the best way to fix this problem as all my efforts with various fillers and coats of paint have failed
I think the door is original (about 1880) and of pine construction and is approximately 2060mm (6’ 9”) high by 1040mm (3’ 5”) wide and 45mm (1 3/4”) thick. The four panels are about 30mm thick and are flat to the exterior face of the door and recessed to the internal face.
The construction is quite standard with a top, mid and bottom rail connecting to two side rails or stiles. Each of the four panels appear to be made up of two bits of timber as one can see the vertical joins in each panel i.e. twin panels in each of the four sections if you like.
The most severe cracks occur in the vertical joins between the panels and the side rails however there are also noticeable cracks in the twin panel joins mentioned above.
Contraction in the horizontal joins is minimal and the tennon joints between the rails are also quite secure. Interestingly these cracks only really appear on the outer face which is exposed to the weather. Any cracks on the inner face are quite miniscule.
Could somebody please advise on the best way to fix this problem as all my efforts with various fillers and coats of paint have failed