Hi Penners, I must tell you about a house I visited at a place called Gayle Ings in Wensleydale. No electric from the grid,no gas, no oil, no telephone, water from a stream. Cooking by wood on a Rayburn. One calor gas heater. It has a diesel generator. The real crunch thing is that its four miles up a four wheel drive only track, so the diesel comes in jerry cans. The solitary old dame who lives there(92 years old!!) is now arthritic and can't drive her 1948 Landrover down the hill to the village and shops. As she has no fridge, she only drinks black tea.
Local tradesmen don't call (see track access, above), I believe her daughter visits and stocks her up with stuff.
The Telegraph one sounds just like my house. It wouldn't be too difficult to sort out power and water if you had the money, which most people seem to underestimate.
If there's a spring there, then a filtration system can be bought and installed for about £3,000. Add a further £4-5,000 for a borehole if the spring is lacking. For power, you could put in a diesel gen-set plus batteries and inverter for perhaps £15-18,000, and you'd add a further £12,000 to that if you wanted a wind turbine too. Doesn't sound to me to be any more difficult than most period properties, to be honest. And very tempting, too. Go on, Penners. It could be your holiday cottage.