Hi Malcome. I have been scrapping the ceiling today and it seems to be coming up well.. see pics below. but I will definitely not be putting a gupsum skim on as I want the house to be as breathable as at all possible. i am sorry to say I will also not be putting lining paper on the walls. I would love to try and keep them as original as possible.The walls don't look so bad. Scraping off the loose bits with a paint scraper, filling in the holes, then maybe lining paper might do the job without messing around with skimming.
The paint on the ceiling looks thick and textured. A ceiling generally doesn't need to be breathable so maybe a gypsum skim might be worth doing. How old is the house? Is it nasty thick '60s paint or something more interesting?
Peelaway works well on walls, although also suitable for trims etc, just note my comments above about level of effort involved and make sure you do a small test area before committing to a whole wallHiya,
hijacking this post to ask a similar question. We're about to move into a 1880s terrace with minor damp issues. Our first priority is to strip off the old paint and get something breathable on there (we're thinking this might be a good gateway DIY project as we have absolutely no idea what we're doing)... do we still use Peelaway for just normal walls? or is it for trims etc?
Thank you!!